The categories that bring people most joy are: independency, being effective, positive relationship with others and self esteem(the feeling of self worth)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
have been dwelling over self-esteem issue lately. At first, the fact tat i'm confident with a healthy body image, i tot my self-esteem issue also covered. BUT a bff's sentence hit me, she said:
please figure out what you want in life and be with the person that's worth of urself, don't just settle down with the things which come along the way
We, sometimes show different image to public than what we really are privately, for many reasons even as simple as to fit it, but this may damage our self esteem. We should learn to take the best of every self we have, may it be public or private and work to make that our one self, the self to whom we are true
Discovering what are our strengths and limitations and make the best out of the strength while accepting and working on our weakness and getting to know ourselves better build self-esteem
Many people see integrity as a way of life while others see it as a way of life when others are looking
Have integrity in life. Hold on the positive values that we believe as the base of our day-to-day act and always opt to feel (and do) right rather than feel good
Develop positive and rewarding relationships. Healthy relationship means that we are willing to bring your total self into that relationship and help the other person do the same, support and get support from them, forego jealousy, competition and take pride in their success
Make personal commitments, how simple/easy it might be and stick to it.
Set and work toward realistic goals everyday (this also will boost happiness)
And let go of the past. We should let go stained images, soiled decisions to linger for years and years. After all we are humans only
What self-esteem isn't: a validation from other people (just hold onto our own values and let others validate themselves), bragging about oneself, looking for love in the wrong people
What you think about me is none of my business